
Clinical evaluation is a critical process in developing and marketing medical devices. A comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Report (CER) ensures that a medical device is safe, effective, and compliant with regulatory requirements, such as the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017. In this ultimate guide, we will provide valuable information on best practices for conducting a clinical evaluation, writing a CER, and navigating the regulatory landscape.

Section 1: What is a Clinical Evaluation Report (CER)?

A Clinical Evaluation Report (CER) is a document that summarizes the clinical evidence for a medical device, demonstrating its safety and performance. The CER is an essential part of medical device documentation and is required by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA and the European Union, for device approval and market access.

Section 2: Understanding MDR Clinical Evaluation Report Requirements

The MDR 2017 is a comprehensive regulation that governs the clinical evaluation of medical devices in the European Union. It requires that manufacturers perform a clinical evaluation following a well-defined methodology and provide a detailed CER as part of the technical documentation.

Section 3: MDCG Clinical Evaluation Report Guidance

The Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) provides guidance on how to conduct clinical evaluations and prepare CERs in compliance with the MDR 2017. Following the MDCG guidance will help ensure that your CER meets the regulatory requirements and is more likely to be accepted by notified bodies.

Section 4: Clinical Evaluation Report Template and Sample

A well-structured CER template can greatly facilitate the writing process and ensure that your report is consistent and comprehensive. The template should include sections for device description, clinical evidence summary, risk-benefit analysis, and conclusions. A clinical evaluation report sample can provide further guidance and insights into the format and content expected in a CER.

Section 5: Clinical Evaluation Report Training

Training is crucial for understanding the complex requirements and processes involved in clinical evaluation and CER writing. Various organizations offer clinical evaluation report training courses to help you develop the necessary skills and expertise to create high-quality CERs that meet regulatory standards.

Section 6: Best Practices for Clinical Evaluation Report Writing

When writing a CER, consider the following best practices:

  • Use a standardized template to ensure consistency and comprehensiveness
  • Thoroughly review and analyze all available clinical evidence
  • Address any identified gaps in the clinical data
  • Conduct a risk-benefit analysis to demonstrate the device’s safety and performance
  • Use clear, concise language that is accessible to a wide audience
  • Cite and link to authoritative sources to support your claims

Section 7: Clinical Evaluation Report Template MDR Compliance

To ensure compliance with the MDR 2017, your CER template should include the following sections:

  • Device description and intended use
  • Clinical development plan and clinical investigation strategy
  • Summary of clinical evidence, including literature review and clinical data
  • Evaluation of the device’s safety and performance
  • Risk-benefit analysis
  • Post-market surveillance and vigilance
  • Conclusions and recommendations


The clinical evaluation process is crucial for demonstrating the safety and performance of medical devices. By following best practices and regulatory guidelines, you can create a high-quality Clinical Evaluation Report that meets the requirements of the MDR 2017 and other regulatory authorities. With the right training, resources, and approach, you can ensure that your medical device is well-positioned for approval and market access.

3 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide to Clinical Evaluation Report for Medical Devices”

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